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jeudi 21 avril 2011

Master Mentalism Magic Instruction.

“You’ll go even further, faster, if you already have some experience. Until now, this sought-after pro only shared his “learn it now, blow away other magicians and mentalists tonight” secrets of mind-blowing mentalism and killersuper-freak magic tricks with a handful of lucky pros who could afford his outrageous fees…
Now, with the sudden release of this incredible information, you can take your magic and mentalism skills from wherever you are now to respected mega-skilled star status in a stunningly short time.”
 “Mr. X” is the go-to guy when professional magicians have a television special or a stage show coming up and they need to quickly develop some new material for their show. (He’s been called the “secret weapon” behind the coolest shows ever done.) And he’s freaking expensive, too. Superstars will delay the start of a new show until “Mr. X” has time to go over the details with them. So you know he has vision, wicked skills, and a cunning “bag of tricks” that keep him at the top of the game. But he’s also one of the most hated guys around. Let’s face it… Not everyone in the industry appreciates “Mr. X” sharing the secrets behind their skills with people like you. If they could, they would lock “Mr. X” up someplace where no “civilians” could ever find him. This is why he refused to release this material without using an alias (which is why he’s only referred to as “Mr. X”)…
…But he also believes that “the elite LA, Las Vegas, New York & London crowd”shouldn’t be the only ones that have access to these powerful insider secrets.
So now you’ll have access to training from the most sought-after (and expensiveteacheraround. Because he can take a raw 12-year-old kid… and have him constantly astonishing everyone he comes across in no time flat.
So just imagine what he can do for you and your already bad-ass magic and mentalism. This will change your life. Immediately.

Even more amazing… the skills he reveals are so simple, you can begin doing mind-boggling magic tricks and illusions starting tonightwith total confidence and flair.(Check out the feedback from other people just like you later on this page.) Again – mentalism, magic tricks, mind reading, levitation, hypnotism, illusions any style of magic or mentalism you’re into just explodes and comes alive before your eyes.
And you are suddenly the mentalist and magician in your town. Other guys will wanna go home and burn their decks of cards and “magic gimmicks” in frustration. You will own any room you walk into.

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